Bottle Chug Sign Game
Download printable bottle chug sign game listing. For more similar baby shower templates, browse our free printable library. Simply download and print them at home or office.

With the Bottle Chug Sign Printable, you'll add a fun and memorable activity that's sure to bring laughter and entertainment to the guests.
This interactive and fun competition involves participants drinking from bottles as fast as possible until they finish the entire content. It's bound to elicit huge laughs and joy from the participants and spectators.
You can display the sign on a table, hang it on a cute backdrop, or a nearby wall visible to everyone.
This Printable sign comes in PDF and JPG formats. The finished size of each table sign is 8x10 and 5x7 inches. These different formats ensure you can print the sign out in any size or print media. You get the flexibility to choose what works best for you.
Bottle Chug Sign Game