Water Bottle Label Maker
Create your own personalized printable water bottle labels for your special occasion like wedding, baby and bridal shower in different themes, styles and color. Finished size of these water bottle labels is 8.5"x2" with option to print three per page, one per page or in original size.
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Water Bottle Label Maker
Create your own water bottle labels for your special occasion like wedding, baby and bridal shower.
Not just for personal occasion, these labels can be used for marketing your product or brands as well. You can customize these labels for marathons, school races or other similar events. Custom water bottle labels can bring more exposure and branding of your products.
Finished size of these water bottle labels is 8.5″x2″, and can be printed three on letter size paper in portrait mode. You also have the option to print one per page in original size. Make sure to click on “Sample Preview” to see how it will look.
You can play around and select the style and set it to round or square. You can set the border to solid or dashed. There are many other options that you can set and see which one fits your requirements.